Dropping a course after the drop/add period must have college approval. A grade of W will appear on your transcript, and you will remain liable for course tuition and fees. Dropped courses may affect your monthly stipend, tuition coverage, and could also result in an overpayment, which will be the student's responsibility to repay. For information on impacts to your benefits, please contact the Department of Veteran Affairs at 1-888-442-4551.
Withdrawing from all courses for a semester is available at the Student Self Service portal in ONE.UF. A grade of W will appear on your transcript for each course, and you will remain liable for all tuition and fees. Overpayment of any VA benefits will be the student's responsibility to repay. For information on impacts to your benefits, please contact the Department of Veteran Affairs at 1-888-442-4551. One.UF
Per Florida Statute, students shall not incur academic or financial penalties by virtue of performing military service on behalf of our country. You have the option of completing courses at a later date without penalty or withdrawing from the courses with a full refund of fees paid. Your transcript will indicate withdrawal due to active military service. For questions regarding withdrawing due to military service, please contact the OneStop. Petition - Withdraw, Military Service