To access current rate payments for Chapters 33, 30, 1606 and 35, refer to the official website: Current Rate Payments
This bill provides up to 36 months of education benefits to eligible veterans. You may be eligible for education benefits if you meet at least one of the requirements listed below.
Note: If you're a member of the Reserves who lost education benefits when the Reserve Educational Assistance Program (REAP) ended in November 2015, you may qualify to receive restored benefits under the Post 9/11 GI Bill®.
These benefits generally apply to veterans who began active duty service for the first time after July 30, 1985, had their pay reduced $100/month for 12 months and received an honorable discharge. Called "MGIB" for short, this bill provides up to 36 months of education benefits to eligible veterans. Generally, benefits are payable for 10 years following your release from active duty.
This program may be available to you if you are a member of the Selected Reserve for the Army, Navy Reserve, Air Force, Marine Corp, Coast Guard, and the Army National Guard or the Air National Guard. Eligibility for this program is determined by the Selected Reserve components. You may be entitled to receive up to 36 months of education benefits. Your benefit entitlement ends 14 years from the date of your eligibility for the program, or on the day you leave the Selected Reserve.
If you have a service-connected disability that limits your ability to work or prevents you from working, Veteran Readiness and Employment (formerly called Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment) can help. This program also known as Chapter 31 or VR&E helps you explore employment options and address training needs. In some cases, your family members may also qualify for certain benefits.